Sunday, November 23, 2008

Catching Up....

We've been busy. What's new? Aren't you all busy?

Friday we got Bishop Smith. He's such a cute little puppy. He is VERY VERY VERY spoiled. Redonia and Kent have taken turns taking care of him in the night. He crys and crys at bedtime. Around 4:30 am he has to potty. Then he sleeps on the couch with Redonia or in the recliner with Kent. I don't like the doggy in the bed thing! lol He adores Madeline and goes crazy for her to hold him. Once she picks him up he is like a baby and snuggles up to her. Redonia has already taught him to fetch using a little plastic cap from a can of hair mousse. He is the cutest thing chasing the cap and taking it back to Redonia.

Saturday we met Mamaw and and Papaw for lunch. Then we went to Kaylon and Ben's wedding. It was really pretty. Redonia was the photographer. She does such an awesome job. You should see the many engagement and bridal pictures that was on display. Redonia, Dad and I are proud of your talents!

Saturday evening was Rejoice. We enjoyed a very sweet presence of the Lord during this prayer time. I KNEW our services would be incredible today. We had 24 children on our van route today. We only have one 15 passenger van. Of course we have a drive and a helper. So really only 13 children can ride the van. The other children ride in whatever vehicles I can gather up to help. PLEASE help me pray for a school bus. Currently it isn't in the budget to purchase a bus. I KNOW God is a provider and I'm just going to trust Him. He knows the desires of my heart and I believe He is going to provide. I don't have any idea what one will cost. I do know that I am asking God to provide this important need. If I had more space I could take more children to church. Please join me in prayer for God to provide the need for a school bus.

This afternoon little Kenzie passed away. It was such a miracle for her to survive for seven days. The doctors were in total amazement. Kenzie's parents are thankful for the time they had with her. She passed away in her living room with her parents and both grandmothers at her side. Please pray for this sweet family. Kenzie's funeral will be Wednesday. I know my husband will do an awesome job helping this family honor the memory of their beautiful angel. Kenzie will always have a most special place in my heart.

Tonight we had a wonderful service. From the very beginning you could just feel something special about the service. Many people felt a special touch from God. There was much rejoicing and even later a very sweet deep presence of God. I love this type of service. Trent was very sensitive as he lead the service. Bro. Ferguson, I wanted to hear you preach. You can just work on the sermon a little while longer, I guess!

This week will be very busy. My schedule is quite full. I know I have several hours of work in the kitchen. I really need to decorate for Christmas, too. I just don't know when I will get that worked in the schedule. I hope each of you enjoy a blessed and thankful week. I have a few good recipes to share on Charming Hospitality. If I don't post here I have a few things ready to post at my fun site! Remember, if you have guests the next few days.....make them welcome! Nothing can equal quality time spent with those you love.

Blessings to you and yours~

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I hope you are able to get some rest this week - you will be very busy! Have a great week!