Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pretty Girls

Between Showers for Kristi, Redonia decided to to take pics of 3 of her cousins. Aren't they beautiful? The bad thing about Redonia being a photographer is I rarely get pics of her.



Sis. Susan Roen said...

Gorgeous pictures of beautiful girls!!!!! Abigail looks like Scott, Madeline looks like a minature Kristi. And, Lauren is a lovely combination of Vicki and Tremayne!! Redonia does wonderful work as a photographer!!! Have an anointed Sunday! Love you all!

KAN said...

That Thomas blood runs thick!!! Yes, you can see Simoneaux in Lauren, some Blagg in Maddie, and even a little Miller in Abigail, but BOY, can you tell they're family!!!
What has ALWAYS amazed me, is that if you would have been able to put REDONIA in the mix she would have looked like a Thomas, too.
Ain't God Good...

Deadra's Dialogue said...


Karen J. Hopper said...

What precious lovely faces. Redonia caught the essence of their beauty.

Vicki said...

aww my Lauren looks too grown! But then I guess since she lives on her own at college she should be grown up huh?

I love the other two as well. Coming home was so needed but going to make the leaving so hard again.

Ron and Jerry Ann Guidroz said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful girls!!!