Santa made a grand apperance during the drama during the morning service. Last night Misti Ferguson asked the audience to sing along with her "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year". She challenged the kids if they would sing loud Santa may appear. Just as she finished singing Santa came strolling down the aisle shaking hands and patting children. It was so pretty. We are blessed to have a 'real' Santa each year!
When Kent stepped on stage to greet guests he asked Santa to come back into the sanctuary. He invited all the kids to join Santa on stage. Wow! The Moms got lots of great pictures. I hope someone will email me one. (hint, Deadra!) Of course Santa also appeared during the drama.
"Believe!" was an incredible dramatic modern day portrayal. It was filled with teen sarcasm, humor, and romance. I'm not sure if Calah directed as written or if she added in the music that was sang by the carolers during the program. Our church family and guests raved and raved about the program. Prior to the drama we had a variety of singers. Our sign team performed "O Holy Night". The Children's Choir sang and did a wonderful job. The boys wore red sweatpants and white undershirts. The little girls wore Christmas gowns and/or Christmas housecoats. Prior to tchildren's song one of our ladies read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" with the children gathered around her. It was really pretty!
Of course our foyer has been beautifully decorated since Thanksgiving. After service Santa sat in front of the snowman. The children got to sit in his lap for pictures. A few adults enjoyed Santa, too!
Both services the sanctuary was filled. We had lots of guests. I called a friend last week and invited her and her children. I am so happy that they came and sat with me in the morning service. I love Tamia!
During the first part of last night's service Chris Ferguson presented Christmas gifts to Kent, Redonia and me from the church. Kent and I were given $800. Redonia was given $100. It was sad that Trent wasn't standing with us. Even Bro. Ferguson made mention of Trent. Our church loves Trent and Calah. We are so grateful. At the conclusion of last night's service Glenda Martin, Trent's other Mother since he was 3 yrs old, made a presentation to Trent and Calah. She gave the kids $200 for Christmas. Trent and Calah were both very overwhelmed. After leaving the church Trent told me that he told Calah he didn't think that had ever happened for a music director or assistant. Trent and Calah fill both roles. The Smith family loves every CUPC family. We do not take for granted the kindness shown us.
Kent's brother, Andy, and his wife Pam came to our program last night. We were glad they came. They pastor in Marble Falls, Texas. Of course they came to see their grandson, Drew, one of the sheep in the program. It was fun sitting up l-a-t-e last night spending ti

This morning I 'believe'! I believe....
- I'm tired
- Yesterday was most successful
- Christmas is almost here and I'm not ready
- This is going to be a great week
- The ladies are going to be buzzing @ my home tomorrow night
- I'm excited about our toy drive
- I plan to share light with others this week.
Blogging friends, believe with me this week. Yes, we are all busy. We all have responsibilites. Some of us carry pressures. However, since we believe let's spread the reason for the season this week. At the check outs lets be warm and friendly. Let's be sensitive to our friends. Find ways to show our family we love them. I BELIEVE we can show Christ to others.
I'm glad I BELIEVE!
it was all wonderful but I have to admit that Stephen Newton tore it up on his musical piece. WOW, what talent he has! Of course, as to the rest of the program, I was a bit partial to Redonia, Gentry, Madeline, Abigail, and Kyleigh =)
Sounds awesome! Glad you had such a great turn-out.
Awesome, Tracie! I envy you a bit....since our program and dinner are still ahead of us! We will be having the program and dinner next Sunday!!! And, I will BELIEVE with you, especially that we can get EVERYTHING we need to done this week!!!!! I am waiting for the pictures from yesterday. Love you!!!!!
For sure about Steveo on the keys!!!!!!! WOW, if I hadn't known better would have thought it was some big time artist on CD. The whole thing was good and yes my GRAND'S were the BEST......and we always have the BEST Santa there is..........HA HA
Every year I am amazed at how good our programs are and we just take for granted. I have paid to go see programs that were not any better than ours are and some time not as good. We are Blessed with great talent and those that go the extra mile to put these on are AWESOME.
Mom/ Shirley Patrick
Tracie, I don't mean to complain but I cannot read your blog anymore. The blue letters on the brown background is to dark on my computer. I'm sure everything you are writing is super good, I just can't see it. :( Maybe you can tell me something to do on my computer screen so I can see the words. I can't find the words....LOL Love you!
That is too weird on my computer her background is off white- beige and her letters are black???
Shirley Patrick
thanks for mentioning the reading of the blog. I have had the same problem. The beige background has only been at the top and the blue on brown was almost impossible to read. It is now black on the brown, much easier to read. I thought it was just my computer.
Ronda, you are the 2nd person that mentioned a problem to me. I had a 'technical' support person of mine examine the blog. He had a problem when viewing using Firefox (???) but not with internet explorer. I'm curious what you use to view the blog. I'll endeavor to resolve the problem!!!
Until the problem is fixed thanks for everyone's patience!!!
I use safari (mac user) but the problem has only just been in the past week. Tonight the writing is in black so easier to read. The links on the side are still in blue or hidden ?
Thanks for the heads up. I switched from firefox to internet explorer and it's fine. :) Yea! I really enjoy reading your blog and I was getting VERY frustrated. :) Love you!
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