I actually was first in our family to become acquained with the Patrick family. While living with the McClains during college Carla worked for ACA. She was a beautiful sweet person. Later I went to work for ACA and was actually Kelly (and Gayla's) teacher. Though I was young I began to care for Kelly like a Mom. I would sew on buttons, remind him of special projects, etc. Kelly was a very smart and considerate young man. I remember thinking Popsie was very handsome and kind, too.
Leter my Mom got 'fixed' up with Bro. Patrick. I really liked him and didn't mind. Later I did mind because I didn't want my Mom to remarry. It seemed cold to my Dad. I KNOW he was gone but it just made it seem so final.
Mom immediately loved the Patrick kids. In fact the 4 of us Thomas kids at times felt like the step children. She cared for their every whim! lol
Of course men show love in different ways but Popsie TRULY loved us from the beginning. He had no grandchildren at the time and immediately inherited 4. He is the only grandfather on my side the children have ever known. They LOVE LOVE LOVE their Popsie. Popsie bought Trent several pair of boots even though my mom fussed and griped that they were too expensive. He took Trent to the Post Office so many times. He really has not done any 'spoiling' things that I can think of for Redonia BUT they are TIGHT. Redonia has ALWAYS kissed and hugged her Popsie. In fact to this very day she makes sure she kisses and hugs HER Popsie.
This is our very first time to celebrate Popsie's birthday with him. OH, we've always given him a gift but normally he is with 'his side' of the family for his birthday and Christmas. This has beeen a year of firsts. I decided to 'blend' Mom's birthday. Later Carla decided to 'blend' Popsie's b'day. I like it better this way. I KNOW our parents like it better, too. They feel no different toward one side or the other.
The difference has come from us children. We have always LOVED one another dearly. But something about blending grown children is difficult. We don't have to blend. It's not like children living at home. We were all grown when Mom and Popsie decided to get married. I think that has made it difficult. We had our own familes.
From the start Thanksgiving has been blended. It has always worked well. My fun loving other sister, Karen, takes the blame for not blending sooner but trust me Karen isn't the blame. We all just have dealt with death of a parent in weird ways. Karen and I talked earlier that it's been longer without our 'real' parent who passed from this life for most of us children than with them. I know it's sad but life keeps going on and we can't erase the past.
OH well...didn't mean to blog about our 'blend'....REALLY wanted to tell a GREAT man, Popsie, happy birthday. Popsie works hard. Though he's retired he still preaches out quite a bit and works at a funeral home, too. He's quirky in some ways but hey aren't we all? He gripes every year he isn't going to decorate the yard for Christmas. It's a big deal! lol Well this year the neighborhood association voted him 2nd place! Whoo Hooo He will receive $100. I bet Mom spends it on a bill or something before he ever sees it....poor Popsie! Popsie loves to drive. He drives for the funeral home. If you ever take a trip with him you will not get the wheel. Popsie is a good cook. He loves to hunt. Popsie is a great singer, too. He LOVES sitting in his home office. He reads, studys, and listens to books on tape. Poor thing he can get in there and close the door without a lot of noise. Most of the grandchildren enjoy the computer so sometimes the noise just follows him to his office.
Popsie, I love you VERY VERY much! You are a wonderful step-dad. Thank you for being a great POPSIE for Trent and Redonia. I know the kids both love you! Thanks for being there for both of them. More importantly thanks for loving me. I KNOW you are always there for me. Through difficult times in life I know I have you to depnd on. I hope today will be your best birthday ever!!!
Happy Birthday to a man who deserves it.....Can't wait for everyone to show up at our home for your party. We'll have a great time together. Oh...we have you a s-u-r-p-r-i-s-e!!!!
Girl - I know - we are becoming quite the sap pots in our old age! It's funny to read your post when you said that you guys felt like the step-kids with your mom - we sometimes felt that way with our dad!! Isn't it funny how different things look as you get older.....you are the best! Thank you for loving my father - thank you for being there for him too. He loves you guys very much.....
Love you.
ok, so we've been sappy now lets party!
OH my word today is sappy day...ha ha.......Ilove all my kids bunches........all my 7 girls and my two boys of whom I am proud of all of you..... Hey there are non-blended families that don't get along and speak to each other and yes we are BLESSED.........Thank God we know the one that keeps us all straight........love you all so much and so thankful for all that each of you do for Popsie and me and most of all the love that you show to us everyday not just on special days...
Happy Birthday, Bro. Patrick!! Would sure love to be in on that party! We love the Patrick and Thomas clan dearly! Send our love and hugs to ALL of the sisters and couple of brothers today! A special hug to Kelly and Gayla (of course Kidron & Karson!!)
Have a great party!
I hope he reads this post!!! What a tribute. Quirky, huh...
I can honestly say that EVERYONE at Conroe UPC LOVES Bro (and Sis) Patrick. He stands out -- above and beyond most men-- as truly an example of a fine Christian man. If you have the awesome chance of spending just a little time with him, you find that he STANDS for something. (and you quickly know just what that is, too)
We are truly blessed at CUPC that our Pastor has a mom and pop-in-law that will stand behind him, love him, and take his poor jokes at them, too. (If you were to listen to him, he has the most difficult and different in-laws in the world. Probably the other way around...however, I KNOW he knows how wonderful they truly are. Loving and giving, too)
Happy Birthday, Bro Patrick -- and MANY, MANY more, too.
Sis. Newton I will read this one to him, along with the others.
Susan we love you and your family also. Stephen holds a special place to my husband, as he loved his parents so much and I was glad i had the priviledge of meeting them also. I know Kelly and Gayla love you all so much and we appreciate what you two stand for.
By the way I read your blog daily and enjoy it and all the pictures.
Sis. Newton, you know we love you bunches and those boys and especially your sweet hubby, he is so kind and nice to all......
Thanks for all the kind words truly I am Blessed with such a great husband and step dad to my children and Popsie to my grands.
well, I received the Holy Ghost under Bro. Patrick in Sept 1967 at the church in Richardson Tx Bro. Davidson was the pastor --my parents help start that church in the living room of their home. He has always had a special place in my heart! Carla and I were friends in the mid 70's but I have lost contact with her....small world!!
It's read wonderful blending stories around the Christmas Season. Bro. Patrick, happy birthday! May God continue to use your life as an encouragement to others.
Brother Patrick, Happy "Belated" Birthday. May God's richest blessings be yours. :)
Nathan and Ronda Hurst
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