What a privilege to be a Mom! Mom is one of my most favorite names, title, jobs, hobbies get the picture. I simply love it. As a little girl I dreamed of being a Mommy. Later I learned I would not be able to give birth to a child. How devastating! God really does know the desires of our heart. He gave us Redonia not bone of our bone, or flesh of our flesh but Redonia was born from our hearts by means of adoption. She is truly a gift from God. One year later came Mr. Trent. We almost lost Trent several times during pregnancy. He was a very sick baby and toddler. Trent was another gift from God. God's hand has been upon Trent from the beginning. I miss having babies or even little children but we love this stage of adult children just as we enjoyed every other stage.
A few days ago I received my first card from our newest addition, Calah. She fondly called me ‘Mom-in-law’ followed with a smiley face. She expressed in the card how thankful she is to be a part of our family. I already love my new title even though I’m not officially a Mom-in-law until June 7th
Another special highlight of Mother’s Day is my Mom. My mom is a wonderful Mother, Mother-in Law, and Grammy. I’m pretty sure she enjoys being Grammy most! She is the mother of four children. Our Dad passed away when Mom was only 35. Dad had pastored a church for many years. Not only did Mom loose her husband but her place of service. I watched Mom pick up our little family and relocate to Houston from Alabama. Of course by this time I was a newlywed living in Houston. Mom was so strong. She determined her family would love God. She decided she would be the best saint that any pastor’s wife could ever have. She decided our family would love the pastor and family like no other. Guess what we did just that! Mom gave sacrificially of herself and her resources. God kept his hand on Mom as she endeavored to be a single Mom. Many years later Mom married a wonderful man, Carl Patrick. Popsie brought 5 more children to our family. Mom loves these children and cares for them just as she does her very own.
I give honor on Mother’s Day and every day to my Mother-in Law. If it weren’t for her I would not have my best friend and husband, Kent. She too is an incredible Mom to her five children. She is a very quite but strong lady. She is a hard worker. Of course no two families will ever be alike and my Mother in law is much different than my Mom. My mom is very sanguine in personality and My Mother in law is much quieter but much more stern. I have gleaned much from both of these Moms. My Mom’s favorite holiday is Christmas while my Mom-in-laws must surely be Thanksgiving. Mom is a splendid cook every day of the week but loves all the candies and wrapping paper mess that goes with Christmas. Everything is trimmed for the day. I don’t remember but maybe one or two Christmas trees at my in-laws. I do remember lots of huge Thanksgiving meals served. The table is always very finely set with china. Mom on the other hand has all the china, silver and crystal but normally on holidays we are very proudly served a red plastic cup with our name written on it! Kent teases Mom that he is so happy to get a cup with his name on it. I have endeavored to blend the two in our home. I don’t do the paper product thing but I sure do go all out on the decorating, the wrapping paper, and all the homemade candies and etc. Thanks to both my Mom and Mother-in-Law for being uniquely you! I love each of you dearly.
Beautiful tribute to your mother and mother-in-law. May you have a blessed Mother's Day.
Tracie, First of all, Happy Mother's day to YOU! And also, Happy Mother's day to your beautiful mother and mother-in-law. May God's richest blessings be on you all! :)
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