Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Blog:

Please forgive me for being unfaithful and not taking the time to care for you. Soon I hope to slow down long enough to return to inspirational writings. Currently I have 4 Word documents open on my laptop. Some of them have seed thoughts in need of cultivation.

Life has been busy and even complicated of late. Somehow being a pastor's wife isn't what many perceive. I don't go to the spa every week. I don't enjoy afternoon tea every day. I don't sit and catch up with my family most days. I guess if the pastor that I'm wife to was a little different then my job would be so much easier.

For some strange reason my guy still pulls out jeans and does physical work around the church. We still make hospital visits though not the old school way of sitting in a room all day with someone. We still go by the hospital to see newborns. Today we worked late with the day staff then stayed later with a volunteer who came by after his secular job. Dinner, what's that? Tonight we went to Sonic and got a slush. Healthy??? No happy yes!

What's the secret to Pastor's wives not going to the office Monday - Friday? I have not learned the secret. No one would care if I stayed home but for some reason I place this burden on myself. Why do I do it year after year? I KNOW ~ I don't want to be common I want to go above and beyond....

So my dearest blog, you must understand. You aren't first in my life. I miss you and I will get around to you again soon. For now, however, be sweet to those who stop by to see if anything new is journaled. Remind them that soon this writer shall return.

I love you blog and I LOVE all the friends who stop by even more than I love blogging!

The Author


Anonymous said...

Bless you as you work for Him. I have missed your blog, but know you are busy working for His Kingdom. I always enjoy your inspriation, so don't give up.

Pastor R Kent Smith said...

CCS starts Monday and we fall into the routine of mundanity immediately....

Kathy McElhaney said...

You sound just like my pastor's wife, and we wouldn't have her any other way!! I've been on the receiving end of her CARE many, many times.