Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Have you ever sat down and thought about what a year in time has held for you? This morning for some reason reflections entered my thought processes without me even welcoming them. I sit here in Best Western Crown Colony in Lufkin. The thought occurred to me that this year I feel much different than I did last year.

Last year I came to campmeeting really tired. Trent got married on the Saturday before we came to Lufkin on Monday. Last year I cohabited with my husband who cried most of the week cause Bubby was a big boy and married. This year Trent and Calah came to our room and visited on Monday night until midnight. Then they walked across the hall to their room. We didn't shed any tears in fact we were glad to tell them nite nite! This morning Kent woke up bright and early very cheerful. In fact right now he's singing the Sunday School song, "The Holy Ghost will take the Chicken out of You". Wow, what a difference a year makes!

This year many wonderful things have happened. Our church is in tremendous revival. I don't even know how many people have been baptized and filled with the Spirit. We have MANY new wonderful converts who faithfully attend CUPC. The music department has gone thru major changes. Most involved very passionately worship and lead the congregation into God's presence long before the Word. We feed the homeless and poor every Sunday. We've hosted successful block parties. We've remodeled the Studio, a youth meeting place. We've added CARE an exciting approach to getting the entire congregation to CARE for others. It's working and people feel loved! CCS is growing. We've purchased a church bus. We run both bus and van routes each Sunday. The van makes several trips on Wednesday and Sunday nights. We've seen several miracles this year. Our church has grown.

Our home has changed significantly. It's really quite EXCEPT when Calah and Trent come to visit. Redonia is very successfully working and loving her business ventures. Kent started going to the YMCA faithfully a few months ago. A few weeks ago I joined him. We added a new family member, Bishop. Kent was able to get off the meds for diabetes. We've endeavored to spend more time with friends and have had a good time doing so. I've purposed in my heart to say kind things to people often using many means - texting, phone calls, cards, emails, Facebook or blog comments. I've accomplished that goal. It's awesome how many sweet things have been done for me. In fact just this morning I received a text from my sister in law, Courtney, that she woke up with me on her mind. She went on to say she is lifting me up today and loves me. I love getting that kind of message for my very first phone communique of the day. It really is true you reap what you sow.

Wow....stop and think what the past 12 months has held for you. How have you faced the year? First, let me say all years haven't been as successful for me as this one. I LOVE it when I can reflect and see this much progress. The calendar year isn't over yet....I'm still making my list!


Kathy McElhaney said...

I first started reading your blog about a year ago, just before Trent and Calah got married. You continue to be a blessing and I enjoy reading about revival in Conroe. God bless you!

Linda Weldon said...

Enjoyed reading your reflections of this past year. God truly is faithful to those who diligently seek after Him. I don't know any two people who work in God's Kingdom more diligently than you and Bro. Smith. Next month will be 13 years ago that my husband and I, along with Amy, walked into the doors of CUPC for the first time. One thing that has not changed in all these years is how diligently you have served God, reached out and loved others, sacrificed of yourselves, I could go on and on. The constant in all of this to me has been your diligence - never wavering. I love you both so much! Enjoy campmeeting!

Tammy Bryant said...

Good Morning to you Sis. Smith - I started following this blog from Sis. Elms. What a blessing you have been so many times. I sit here too this morning after reading your blog and think - WOW!
To look back at this last year involves so many emotions but I am glad that I am blessed to have those memories.
Thanks for the sweetness that I can always depend on from your blog.
Have a blessed day and enjoy Camp Meeting.