Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Allow me to pause and wish a MOST wonderful birthday to my husband. What a wonderful husband, father, friend and pastor! It's amazing that I have lived with him longer than I lived with my parents.

Kent is loyal and loving. He is kind, considerate, and caring. He is a GIVER....I think we would probably be millionaires by now if he wouldn't have given it all away. The flip side is we are beyond blessed because of his generosity.

He is fun loving and enjoys spending time with the family. He also loves spending time with his MANY friends. Sometimes we have to tell him "Don't take any more phone calls tonight from your friends, it's family time!"

CUPC is definitely his passion. He is very caring and compassionate towards the church family. He prays for each of them and truly bears their burdens to the Lord. He is a man of great vision. Sometimes I have to runnnnnnnnnnnn just to keep up. He will cast the vision and depends on me and others to make it all happen. About the time we feel we've accomplished here we go again. What a true visionary leader!

He is a very fair person. I have watched him handle situations in our family, church, home, and ministry. He is always fair. He doesn't believe in casting stones and realizes all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. He definitely believes in mercy and grace.

The BEST thing about R. Kent Smith is he is my VERY BEST friend. I love him with all my heart and wish him the best birthday ever. 48 wow.....we became friends when I was 5 and he was 7...lots of incredible memories.

Babe, I love you with all my heart. I hope your 48th year will be the best ever. I KNOW your greatest happiness comes with continued church growth - numerically and spiritually. Again, on your birthday I commit all over again to helping you receive your best present. While I know I've contributed to the Calloway golf bag for your birthday gift, and I'm sure there will be another prize or two...I well know the best gift I can give to you is myself in support of your ministry. I'm with you 100 percent. Let's have continued revival!

All my love


Linda Weldon said...

Sis. Smith - what an incredible post and tribute to Bro. Smith! I am so thankful for a pastor who TRULY cares about every individual family member of CUPC. He has the ability to make each of us feel as though he loves us the most. We are blessed beyond measure to have him leading us in TRUTH, loving and caring for each of us so deeply, he does not hesitate to proclaim what is right, to lead us to our salvation. We are so blessed also to have you as a Pastor's wife, supporting him 100% and more. I love each of you much much more than you know! May you both have a blessed day today!

Misti Ferguson said...

Happy Birthday, Pastor! Hope it's the best ever! The Fergie's love you both very much...

Yvette said...

Sis Smith, LOVE your post! Great great pic too!

Pastor R Kent Smith said...

Thanks babe for the beautiful post....

You accomplished your goal of making today special for my 35th birthday....

From the blog to lunch to the man cure to the birthday cake at the fireworks warehouse to the to the suprise cup of Starbucks and then the nice quite drive home tonite...

You truly have made this day special....

Love you....k

Karen J. Hopper said...

Happy Birthday Bro. Smith.