Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Beware: Isolation/Separation

Often people deal with a problem by choosing isolation or separation. Having been a Pastor’s wife for almost 20 years now I recognize the symptom. When a distance in someone’s marriage occurs I know soon to come is a separation or divorce unless a miracle occurs. Likewise, when isolation or separation begins in an individual within the church the person backslides or changes churches. Often the later occurs then if the problem isn’t resolved within the individual he eventually backslides.

Each weekday morning I receive a devotional email written by Terry Davidson, Superintendent of Comanche Public Schools in Oklahoma. Once I told Mr. Davidson I think he missed his calling of being a minister. Today his devotional deals with my aforementioned paragraph.

“Because I've battled problems with my back for many years, I've learned that, when lifting something, it is important to keep it close to me. Some of the injuries to my back have occurred when I was lifting something while wearing my good clothes. I would try to keep from getting my clothes dirty by holding the load out away from me.

Whether physically, emotionally, or mentally, we all have loads that need to be picked up sometimes. Sometimes the burden is heavy and sometimes it is dirty. The natural tendency is to try and distance ourselves from the burden.

It won't go away by itself. At some point, it has to be lifted. We might as well get close to it and lift it - - - even if we get our clothes dirty.”

Terry Davidson, Superintendent
Comanche Public Schools

"I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done." - Author Unknown

Thanks, Mr. Davidson, for another thought provoking email. I don’t want to be more concerned with getting my ‘clothes’ dirty or distancing myself from burdens and injure myself in the process. Suits can easily be replaced if torn or stained but an injured spirit is more difficult to deal with.

Anyone having a hard time dealing with a wounded spirit should get a copy of Bro. Shatwell’s message “The Wounded Spirit” preached @ Texas Men’s Conference 2010.

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